Dec 21, 2010

#BDS: انتقال بعض المصانع من المستوطنات الى اسرائيل بسبب الحصار الدولي

بيت لحم- معا- نتيجة لموقف الاتحاد الاوروبي وكذلك بعض الدول في العالم وبسبب قرار مقاطعة البضائع الاسرائيلية التي تنتج في المستوطنات، بدأت بعض الشركات الاسرائيلية الهروب من المستوطنات الى اسرائيل، في الوقت الذي تُحمّل المسؤولية لرئيس الحكومة الاسرائيلية نتنياهو والسياسة التي يتبعها والتي قادت الى الحاق الضرر الكبير بهذه المصانع.

وبحسب ما نشر موقع "قضايا مركزية " العبري اليوم الثلاثاء فقد اقدم مصنع "بيغل بيغل" في مستوطنة بركان شمال الضفة الغربية على وقف الانتاج، نتيجة للمقاطعة الاوروبية لمنتجات هذا المصنع وكذلك منع تسويق بضائعه في مناطق السلطة الفلسطينية، حيث انضم هذا المصنع الى مصانع اخرى سبق واغلقت انتاجها في مستوطنات الضفة الغربية كان اشهرها شركة "مالتي لوك ".

إقرأ/ي المزيد

#BDS: معاريف:شركات إسرائيلية تغلق فروعها فى الضفة الغربية للضغط على أوروبا

القدس المحتلة / سما / ذكرت صحيفة معاريف الإسرائيلية أن شركة "مالتى لوك" أغلقت فروعها فى مستوطنات الضفة الغربية، واضطرت لطرد أكثر من 50 عاملا لديها بسبب الضغوط السياسية الأوروبية وحملة المقاطعة لمنتجات المستوطنات.
وأضافت الصحيفة أن شركة مالتى لوك هى أول شركة تضطر للخضوع للضغوط السياسية من أجل استمرار عملها، ولكنها لن تكون الأخيرة، فمن بين الشركات الأخرى التى أعلنت خطوات مشابهة شركة "بيجل بيجل" للصناعات الغذائية.

إقرأ/ي المزيد

#BDS: الضفة تخلو من منتجات المستوطنات

حقق الفلسطينيون نجاحا كبيرا بإخلاء أسواقهم بالضفة الغربية من منتجات المستوطنات، ضمن حملات انطلقت مراحلها الأولى مع بداية العام الجاري، وتميزت بطابعها الرسمي إلى جانب حملات اتخذت بعدا شعبيا قادتها مؤسسات المجتمع المدني.

وقال محمد أرشيد منسق حملة المقاطعة التي أطلقتها الحكومة الفلسطينية برام الله إن نجاحهم تمثل بإخلاء معظم المدن الفلسطينية من تلك المنتجات وفقا للشعار المعلن سابقا.
وأوضح أن مقاطعة منتجات المستوطنات لم تتوقف عند الخسائر الاقتصادية "الهائلة" للاحتلال الإسرائيلي وإغلاق الكثير من المصانع الكبيرة بالمستوطنات والانتقال بها لداخل إسرائيل، بل كان للحملة أبعاد سياسية تمثلت بالمقاطعة الغربية "وخاصة الأوروبية" ليس لمنتجات المستوطنات فحسب، "بل الإسرائيلية كلها".

إقرأ/ي المزيد

#BDS: A Request from Cindy Corrie

The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign’s effort to publicize Israeli War Crimes support with U.S. tax dollars on city buses is getting considerable attention. Story broke about this on Seattle King 5 TV Friday evening. The Jewish Federation has put out a letter opposing the ads.
If you haven’t taken the simple step of voting in The King 5 TV poll about the effort, please do! And please pass along to your lists and let others know. Seattle activists will need support this week. Note that those supporting the ads surged ahead in the unofficial poll yesterday after we put word out - but today the opposition has taken the lead.
Over 4500 have voted in the poll in just over a day, and the story has been the first or second most read story for the past day - and the most frequently emailed. Comments are welcome.

#bds: Boycott roundup: activists mark holidays with boycott carols and victories

Over the past two weeks, Palestine solidarity activists across the US launched holiday-themed actions encouraging shoppers not to buy Israeli-made products. Others demonstrated against an Israeli lobby group in California and the Jewish National Fund in New York.

Meanwhile, boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activists in Scotland claimed a major victory when the Edinburgh city council rejected a bid by French urban contracting company Veolia to take over public services in the city. The activists asserted that Veolia is complicit with Israel's violations of international law. And in Australia, a sister city to Bethlehem voted to support the growing BDS movement.

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#BDS: Arab states seek UN call for business boycott over settlements

TEL AVIV // Arab states and the Palestinians may as soon as this week submit an official call for the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel's settlement enterprise and take steps such as calling for a boycott of settlements' businesses.
The success of such an initiative is likely to significantly increase pressure on Israel to halt settlement construction and tarnish the country's international image should it persist in insisting on continued expansion.
Representatives of Arab states at the UN in New York convened on Thursday and Friday to begin drafting their statement, which they plan to distribute to the members of the security council in coming days, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported yesterday, citing an unidentified Israeli foreign ministry official.
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#BDS: Holiday Carolers Wish Settlement-builder Leviev “A Loss of Business and a Poor Fiscal Year”

New York, NY, December 18, 2010 – Sixty human rights advocates, many sporting Santa hats, performed Christmas carol parodies and theatrical skits calling for the boycott of Israeli diamond mogul and settlement-builder Lev Leviev outside his Madison Avenue store this afternoon. Carolers celebrated the boycott movement’s success in pressuring Leviev’s company Africa Israel to cease settlement building and demanded that Leviev’s company Leader Management and Development do the same.

Carols, including “The 12 Days of Boycott,” highlighted the achievements of growing boycott movement. To the tune of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” the carolers chorused, “Oh justice for Palestinian, women and men, the question is not i-i-if, but when.”

A street theater skit, “The Grinch who Tried to Steal Palestine,” unmasked Leviev’s settlement construction, saying, “If you take off his mask, and expose his dark task, you will see his true crime is to steal Palestine.” Hundreds of Madison Avenue shoppers, many clad in fur coats, took holiday card flyers with a poem inside that began, “Twas the night before Christmas in Lev Leviev’s shop, Not a customer was browsing, shopping season a flop.”

Riham Barghouti of Adalah-NY told the participants “Today’s demonstration honors Abdallah Abu Rahmah and all the Palestinian political prisoners being held illegally in Israeli jails. Abdallah was arrested in 2009 on international human rights day, mainly for his leadership in a six-year nonviolent resistance campaign being carried out by his village of Bil’in against the wall and settlements, one of which was built by Leviev’s company Africa Israel.” The State Department said this week that it has raised Abu Rahmah’s case with the Israeli government.

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#BDS: HRW Supports Boycott of Israeli Settlements

This report shows that Israel operates a two-tier system for the two populations of the West Bank in the large areas where it exercises exclusive control. The report is based on case studies comparing Israel’s starkly different treatment of settlements and next-door Palestinian communities in these areas. It calls on the US and EU member states and on businesses with operations in settlement areas to avoid supporting Israeli settlement policies that are inherently discriminatory and that violate international law.
Read the report